There is so much to post about and catch up on!!
The last two weeks have been a bit crazy in the Danielson Household. For starters, we ordered the dresser for the baby's room (it gets delivered on Saturday!!). That sent me in to a bit of a tailspin of "nesting" - I don't think David has ever seen me so motivated to clean out closets, bedrooms, etc. I still have a few more closets and rooms to get through, but am making lots of progress. For starters, my wonderful dad came over and put together a high boy dresser for our room so I could clear out the closet in baby's room (where all my works clothes, purses and scarves have been stored for the last two years). That is pretty much accomplished, but still a bit more organizing to do. My next few projects include getting the office furniture moved to the downstairs bedroom, and getting Dave to clean out some space on his side of the closet (hopefully by donating some clothes to goodwill!).

This past Thursday (5.3.12) night was the highlight of the pregnancy so far- we BOTH felt the baby move for the first time! It started out as little nudges, and I had to really concentrate to feel them, but once I knew what I was feeling for, I was able to anticipate them a bit more. It was a wonderful experience, and I love feeling him/her move around on a daily basis. I think he/she sleeps during the day, because I feel baby most at night and in the morning, not too much in the afternoon. Hopefully this sleep patern doesnt continue in 4 more months when baby makes its appearance!
On Tuesday (5/8/12), we had our 21 week ultrasound in Sacramento with my Perinatologist. We were fortunate enough to be able to take our moms with us, and it was a wonderful experience. We had an amazing ultrasound tech that spent about 45 minutes with us. She showed us the top of the head, and the different sections of the brain that are forming, the baby's nose and mouth, the four chambers of the heart, the ribs, spine, arms, hands, legs and feet. We lucked out- since we (I) dont want to find out the sex of the baby, baby cooperated and had his/her legs crossed. Dave likes to think that makes baby a Girl, but I still think Boy!

After the ultrasound, we headed to Buy Buy Baby and Dave's parents bought us the glider for the baby's room. It is like a lazy boy, but rather than rocking, it "glides". It also reclines in to a full laying position for those long nights in the nursery. We opted to go with a yellow fabric and white pipping, to balance out the grey and white of the rest of the nursery. Pictures to come!
Like I said, it has been a crazy few weeks, but a wonderful few weeks! I feel great, am really starting to show, and we are loving this warm weather (now that we have a working AC unit).
How far along? 21 1/2 ... 18 more to go!
Total weight gain: 5+ pounds give or take
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: well, AC unit has been replaced, and sleep is better, but still not great! My allergies are continuing to get the best of me, but I am extremely thankful for Patenol eye drops!
Best moment this week: finally felt the baby move!! even better, we got to experience it together
Miss Anything? allergy medication!!
Movement: finally!!
Food cravings: fruit, sugar doughnuts, green olives, cheese ... not all at once though!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: unknown. anyone care to guess?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: the ever growing belly
Belly Button in or out? an "innie" for the time being. I have to admit, it's a bit weird to see your belly button change shapes
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to: dresser arriving this weekend, ordering the crib and bedding in the next few weeks, delivery of the glider, finding little trinkets and decor for baby's room
There is so much to post about and catch up on!!
The last two weeks have been a bit crazy in the Danielson Household. For starters, we ordered the dresser for the baby's room (it gets delivered on Saturday!!). That sent me in to a bit of a tailspin of "nesting" - I don't think David has ever seen me so motivated to clean out closets, bedrooms, etc. I still have a few more closets and rooms to get through, but am making lots of progress. For starters, my wonderful dad came over and put together a high boy dresser for our room so I could clear out the closet in baby's room (where all my works clothes, purses and scarves have been stored for the last two years). That is pretty much accomplished, but still a bit more organizing to do. My next few projects include getting the office furniture moved to the downstairs bedroom, and getting Dave to clean out some space on his side of the closet (hopefully by donating some clothes to goodwill!).

This past Thursday (5.3.12) night was the highlight of the pregnancy so far- we BOTH felt the baby move for the first time! It started out as little nudges, and I had to really concentrate to feel them, but once I knew what I was feeling for, I was able to anticipate them a bit more. It was a wonderful experience, and I love feeling him/her move around on a daily basis. I think he/she sleeps during the day, because I feel baby most at night and in the morning, not too much in the afternoon. Hopefully this sleep patern doesnt continue in 4 more months when baby makes its appearance!
On Tuesday (5/8/12), we had our 21 week ultrasound in Sacramento with my Perinatologist. We were fortunate enough to be able to take our moms with us, and it was a wonderful experience. We had an amazing ultrasound tech that spent about 45 minutes with us. She showed us the top of the head, and the different sections of the brain that are forming, the baby's nose and mouth, the four chambers of the heart, the ribs, spine, arms, hands, legs and feet. We lucked out- since we (I) dont want to find out the sex of the baby, baby cooperated and had his/her legs crossed. Dave likes to think that makes baby a Girl, but I still think Boy!

After the ultrasound, we headed to Buy Buy Baby and Dave's parents bought us the glider for the baby's room. It is like a lazy boy, but rather than rocking, it "glides". It also reclines in to a full laying position for those long nights in the nursery. We opted to go with a yellow fabric and white pipping, to balance out the grey and white of the rest of the nursery. Pictures to come!
Like I said, it has been a crazy few weeks, but a wonderful few weeks! I feel great, am really starting to show, and we are loving this warm weather (now that we have a working AC unit).
How far along? 21 1/2 ... 18 more to go!
Total weight gain: 5+ pounds give or take
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: well, AC unit has been replaced, and sleep is better, but still not great! My allergies are continuing to get the best of me, but I am extremely thankful for Patenol eye drops!
Best moment this week: finally felt the baby move!! even better, we got to experience it together
Miss Anything? allergy medication!!
Movement: finally!!
Food cravings: fruit, sugar doughnuts, green olives, cheese ... not all at once though!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: unknown. anyone care to guess?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: the ever growing belly
Belly Button in or out? an "innie" for the time being. I have to admit, it's a bit weird to see your belly button change shapes
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to: dresser arriving this weekend, ordering the crib and bedding in the next few weeks, delivery of the glider, finding little trinkets and decor for baby's room