Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friends Christmas

We have the tradition of celebrating Christmas with our best friends every year a few weeks before Christmas. The kids do a gift exchange and the adults draw names and buy for each other as well. We did a (sort of) progressive dinner at the Towne's home. Great drinks, appetizers, salad, filets and creme brûlée (our contribution). The kids enjoyed watching Christmas movies in their festive jammies while we ate, drank, and were merry! Here are a few pictures from last night...

Can't wait for all of the festivities this week! Have I said Christmas is so much better with a little?!

Also, a BIG congrats to my mom (aka Nana) on finishing radiation this week! She is officially done with all her cancer treatments- just in time for Christmas and the New Year. 2013 is going to be a great year :) we love you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We had a great day today! David took it off to spend with Kendall and I. We had a fun day of putting up our tree (thanks grandma for our tree!), decorating it, and going to target to buy lots and lots of Christmas presents. I also got a little bit of wrapping done and I must say, a tree with presents underneath it looks much better than one without. Here are some pictures from today. I just LOVE this picture of Kendall with her first Christmas ornament.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Decking the Halls

I have had so much fun the past few weeks decking the halls for Christmas. I have always loved the holiday season (who am I kidding, I love ALL holidays!) but there is something extra special about the holidays now that we have our sweet little baby girl, Kendall Marie. Poor thing has four, yes FOUR (!) Christmas outfits. She is getting her picture taken with Santa this week and has her first holiday party on Friday night. Can't wait to share pictures of our sweet little girl!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Chalkboard fun

For a while now I have been wanting to put a chalkboard up in our house. We have the perfect spot for one in the kitchen, and after much searching for the perfect frame (finally found at Michaels for $8!), buying Martha Stewart chalkboard paint, and talking my dad in to cutting me a piece of particle board, I got my craft on, I painted two layers of paint on the hoard, let it dry, nailed it in to the frame, and got to decorating. Behold the final product!

Monday, December 3, 2012

2 Month Update

I can't believe my little girl is two months old already! (As I write this, she is more like 2 1/2 months!) She is aleady doing so much - it is amazing to watch as she reaches different milestones. So, here they are ...

  • Holding her head up - She likes tummy time, but only for about 5-10 minutes at a time. She is able to hold her up the whole time, but starts to get frusterated when she kicks her legs and pushes off, but doesnt go anywhere. It wont be long before this little lady is rolling over and crawling!
  • Smiling more and more - Her smiles arent from gas anymore! She is smiling all the time now! She is too cute- she looooves to get her diaper changed, and will coo and smile the whole time. She is most "smiley" in the morning time. Thank goodness she is a morning babe!
  • Cooing - Like I mentioned above, she is cooing all the time. She will talk back when I sing or talk to her, especially after her bath at night time. It reminds me of the movie Baby Geniuses - anybody seen it?
  • Sleeping - she is a great sleeper! Has been since about two weeks, but we are at the point now where she is falling asleep on her own for her naps, and at night time. knocking on wood so i dont jinx myself!
  • Ceiling fans - this girl is OBSESSED with ceiling fans. So much so that she is getting one for Christmas from Nana and Papa Anderson

I started decking the halls yesterday! I can't wait for Kendall's first Christmas! I am trying to draw it out for as long as I can. Whenever we are in the car, or hanging out at home, we are listening to Christmas music. I have also recorded a number of movies on ABC Family's 25 days of Christmas that I can't wait to watch as a little family! Be prepared for a bombardment of pictures as well. Girlfriend has multiple Christmas outfits already!