David and I are expecting! Little baby Danielson is due September 17, 2012. We found out while we were cruising in Mexico in January. I thought it would be too soon to take a test, but sure enough, we got a positive! We found out on Friday, January 6. I couldnt believe we had gotten a positive so soon! It was the perfect way to ring in the new year. So far, everything with this pregnancy has been pretty easy. Aside from a bit of nausea in the first few weeks (weeks 6 - 10), and an aversion to meat in general (weird I know), it has been smooth sailing. We had our first appt with our OB on January 26th and she confirmed our due date to be 09.17.2012. We have our next appointment on Thursday with a Perinatologist since I am considered high risk (because we lost our little one last pregnancy at 15 weeks). I will admit we are still "cautiously optomistic" this time around, but our faith, love, and support of everyone around us is keeping us strong.
I can't wait to keep everyone updated on the latest as it happens for us. Right now, we are 12.5 weeks and the baby is the size of a lime (my favorite!)
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